I was really struggling with creating different tableaux for different Gods, and I was struggling with choosing which Gods to use, as well not really liking the idea of separating 3,4 of them from the rest as I feel it did not necessarily add up as the majority of them were re-born together after Kronos regurgitated them….
I also did not feel that there was much of a WOW factor to them, although I have grown quite fond of my Athena photo-shoot.
I want to do something a little different which is a bit more interactive and fun for both the viewer and for me. After booking out a lighting kit to create different photos for the project and to try and figure out what I wanted to do, I decided to start taking photos of us playing a game of chess to see where it would lead, and I really liked the idea of using stop motion, this is when I looked up the idea of a Zoetrope which I have absolutely fallen in love with, it sounds fun and interesting, but also very challenging which I am sure will stress me out a bit later…. So I think instead of using 4 different Gods, I will look at Greek mythology stories which I am interested in and I will create stop motion animations using different forms of animation material, such as a flip book, a zoetrope, a film, etc… I believe that this will be a bit more intriguing than just prints of still lives, especially as Greek mythology is a very moving subject in the way that it has formed a large amount of society even today, We are highly influenced by their myths and stories and I believe that we will be for a long time to come. And so this is why I do not feel that still lives are doing this project any justice.